Hair Trick: Coconut Oil

Yes, you've heard about it. Yep, it is a trend at the moment. Does it really work though?
Coconut Oil is the new thing right now and its uses can go from cooking to beauty trick.
I was always intrigued by it, is food! haha
But, hey, I decided to try it out, on my hair first, as I heard that it moisturizes and hydrates hair, like a miracle.
So far, I've been using for about 3 weeks, and let me tell you... ITS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm never buying or using anything else on my hair! Salons? No, thanks.
This thing is just incredible for many reasons...Here's some:
It leaves the hair, soft and silky. It makes MUCH easier to brush and detangle. It leaves a wonderful, yet subtle, smell. It moisturizes your hair very intensely, helping with split ends and damaged hair.
I just can't say enough things about it. It is worth every penny you spend on it (coconut oil isn't very cheap).

Anyways, straight to the instructions on how to use it:

  • You will need: coconut oil (I bought LouAna All Natural Pure Coconut Oil, the brand makes no difference, as long as it is pure and oil).

  • On your DRY hair, apply the coconut oil. Start with the ends, working your way to the top. You might want to divide your hair in sections, so you moisturize it thoroughly.
  • If your goal is to GROW your hair longer, apply coconut oil on your scalp and massage it for a few minutes.
  • After applying coconut oil all over your hair, put it on a bun, and leave it for at least 3 HOURS! I know it sounds a lot, but its worth it, I promise.
  • Time to wash your hair. To remove the coconut oil from your hair completely, start by applying shampoo BEFORE you put any water on it. Always do shampoo first. It feels weird, but it works.
  • After the shampoo, wash your hair with warm water. Then apply LOTS of conditioner and leave it on your hair for 3 minutes. Conditioner is what removes the oil from your hair.
  • Wash it again. If you feel the need, repeat the conditioning part.
  • Wash it until you feel there's no product left on your hair.

Blow-dry or let it dry naturally (it looks very nice after the treatment). I do this once a week, but analyse your hair and see what would be the best for you.
There you go! A review and a trick of mine, that actually works!
Thanks for stopping by. I've been getting so much support and I feel so blessed because of you.
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  1. BABADOOOOOOO!!!!! s2 By the way... sou tua fan #1!!!! ^_^ s2 s2 s2

  2. Nem sabia que tu tinhas blog! Uso coconut oil no cabelo ha mais de um ano e agora vou experimentar essa técnica de passar o shampoo antes da água na hora de enxaguar... thanks

