Eyeliner/Eyeshadow hack: Scotch tape!

I know, it sounds veeeeery interesting, but hear me out.
We all have tried to do the perfect cat eye or a smokey eye... and ended up like a raccoon.
Not pretty and upsetting, because if you clean it up, say goodbye to all your beautiful foundation, etc etc.
Well, those are days from the past.
Literally, ALL you need to get the perfect eyeliner/smokey eye is SCOTH TAPE.
Or any tape you have at home. Simple like that!
Let's jump on how to use that for your benefit:

  • You will need: Tape and your hands
  • Cut 2 pieces of tape. I suggest them to be the size of your pinky finger
  • Stick the tape pieces on your HAND prior putting on your face. The skin surrounding your eyes are super sensitive, so by doing that, your tape will stick without hurting your eye area
  • Place tape on where you usually do eyeliner. I put mine diagonally, under my lower lashes, pointing to the tip of my eyebrow. 
  • Do your eye makeup as usual. 
  • After you're done, gently remove tape.

All set! This is so easy, but a life saver! When I know I'm gonna use tape for my eyes, I do my face (foundation, primer, powder, etc) AFTER finishing with my eyes. Why? Because when you remove the tape, you have the risk of messing everything up. Its just safer that way.
I want to thank you again for stopping by. I'm still in shock with the amount of support I've been getting it.
Let me know how it goes after you try this trick!
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